The American Canoe Association (ACA) is the oldest and largest paddle sports organization in the United States, promoting canoeing, kayaking, and rafting. The ACA sponsors more than seven hundred events each year, along with safety education, instructor certification, waterway conservation and public information campaigns. There are more than four thousand ACA certified canoe and kayak instructors. More than two hundred local paddling clubs and fifty thousand individuals are members. The Association publishes the bi-monthly Paddler Magazine.
Question of the Day
Any suggestions on training my dog not to be afraid of thunderstorms?
Get one of those commercial recordings of thunderstorms. Have your dog sit or lie down and give him a treat. Turn on the recording, keeping the volume low, and give the dog another treat when the thunder sounds. Increase the volume gradually, giving the dog a treat or praising him each time you do so. Finally, reduce the sound gradually. When a real storm occurs, have the dog sit or lie down and reward him with a treat when he does not show he’s afraid. If his fear behavior continues, ignore it, but don’t discipline him.
Advice of the Day
Soak broccoli in cold water to drown (and sink) cabbage loopers.
Home Hint of the Day
When planning a staircase, keep in mind that a comfortable staircase has a riser that is no higher than 7-1/2 inches and a tread no narrower than 9 inches. A common tread width today is 11-1/2 inches.
Word of the Day
Work of little or no value done merely to look busy.
Puzzle of the Day
First (Blank) (Blank) hare.(What’s the saying? Fill in the blanks!)
1) catch 2) your
- John Campbell Hamilton-Gordon (Canadian governor general) – 1847
- John T. Scopes (fined $100 in 1925 for teaching evolution” in Tennessee”) – 1900
- Tony Bennett (singer) – 1926
- Martin Sheen (actor) – 1940
- Martha Stewart (homemaking guru) – 1941
- John C. McGinley (actor) – 1959
- Tom Brady (football player) – 1977
- Evangeline Lilly (actress) – 1979
- Joseph Conrad (writer) – 1924
- Flannery O’Connor (author) – 1964
- Elisabeth Schwarzkopf (soprano) – 2006
- Christopher Columbus set sail from Spain with Niña, Pinta, and Santa Maria, in search of a western sea route to Asia– 1492
- First intercollegiate boat race– 1852
- American Canoe Association formed, Lake George, New York– 1880
- Distinguished Flying Cross for William Bishop announced– 1918
- At 2:47 A.M., Calvin Coolidge was sworn in as president by his father at Vermont homestead– 1923
- The first okapi imported into U.S. went on display, Bronx Zoo, N.Y.C.– 1937
- National Basketball Association formed from merger– 1949
- Tom Yawkey inducted into National Baseball Hall of Fame– 1980
- Lightning evidently triggered the fire alarm in an office building near Fort Collins, Colorado, which caused the inhabitants to evacuate – without their keys. While locked out, 16 were injured, most by the marble-size hail and wind gusts produced by the thunderstorm.– 1988
- Philadelphia, PA, received 5.84 inches of rain within two hours– 1898
- Warsaw, Indiana, received 6.25 inches of rain– 1929
- Hail in Fort Collins, Colorado, injured locked-out workers after lightning triggered fire alarm– 1988
- 115 degrees F, Fort Smith, Arkansas– 2011
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