Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day! Monday, January 15, 2024

By Brenda June Temple

Martin Luther King Jr. speaking to an anti-Vietnam war rally at the University of Minnesota in St. Paul on April 27, 1967. By Minnesota Historical Society, CC BY-SA 2.0, https


Martin Luther King Jr. Day (officially Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., and often referred to shorthand as MLK Day) is a federal holiday in the United States observed on the third Monday of January each year.

Born in 1929, Martin Luther King Jr.‘s actual birthday is January 15 (which in 1929 fell on a Tuesday). The earliest Monday for this holiday is January 15 and the latest is January 21. The Monday observance is similar for those federal holidays which fall under the Uniform Monday Holiday Act.

King was the chief spokesperson for nonviolent activism in the Civil Rights Movement, which protested racial discrimination in federal and state law. The campaign for a federal holiday in King’s honor began soon after his assassination in 1968. President Ronald Reagan signed the holiday into law in 1983, and it was first observed three years later on January 20, 1986. At first, some states resisted observing the holiday as such, giving it alternative names or combining it with other holidays. It was officially observed in all 50 states for the first time in 2000.

11/2/1983 President Reagan and Signing Ceremony for Martin Luther King Holiday Legislation in the rose garden with Coretta Scott King George Bush Howard Baker Bob Dole Jack Kemp Samuel Pierce Katie Hall looking on. By Reagan White House Photographs, Public Domain, https

MLK Jr. Day Dates 1986-2103

(courtesy Wikipedia Commons)