Daily Almanac for Wednesday, July 19, 2023

By Kim McGuire

Singer Vikki Carr was born on this date in 1941. Here is Vikki Carr in 1974. By NBC Television, Public Domain, https commons.wikimedia.org


Florencia Vicenta de Casillas-Martínez Cardona (born July 19, 1940), known by her stage name Vikki Carr, is an American vocalist. She has a singing career that spans more than four decades. Born in El Paso, Texas, to Mexican parents, she has performed in a variety of musical genres, including popjazz and country, while her greatest success has come from singing in Spanish. She established the Vikki Carr Scholarship Foundation in 1971. Vikki Carr has won three Grammys and was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Latin Grammys in 2008 at the 9th Annual Latin Grammy Awards. She is 82 years old today.


Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Question of the Day

What’s the best way to keep fresh parsley in the house?

Parsley will keep nicely for about two weeks if you immerse the stems in a glass of water and then tent the leaves with a plastic bag.

Advice of the Day

Progress might have been all right once, but now it’s gone on too long.

Home Hint of the Day

To keep mosquitoes to a minimum, eliminate their breeding sites on your property. They need standing water to lay their eggs in, so empty those puddles, old cans, buckets, and plant pots.

Word of the Day


Pieces of old cable or old cordage, used for making gaskets, mats, swabs, etc., and when picked to pieces, forming oakum for filling the seams of ships.

Puzzle of the Day

(Blank) waters run (Blank).(What’s the saying? Fill in the blanks!)

1) Still 2) deep


  • Samuel Colt (inventor) – 
  • Edgar Degas (painter) – 
  • Lizzie Borden (accused murderess) – 
  • Charles Horace Mayo (surgeon) – 
  • A.J. Cronin (writer) – 
  • Vikki Carr (singer) – 
  • Ilie Nastase (tennis player) – 
  • Anthony Edwards (actor) – 
  • Scott Walker (hockey player) – 
  • Benedict Cumberbatch (actor ) – 
  • Jared Padalecki (actor) – 


  • Margaret Fuller (writer) – 
  • Rose Alnora Hartwick Thorpe (poet) – 
  • Elwyn Marshall Meader (plant breeder) – 
  • James Aparo (illustrator; drew Batman and other DC Comics heroes) – 
  • Jack Warden (actor) – 
  • Frank McCourt (Pulitzer Prize-winning author) – 
  • James Garner (actor) – 
  • Garry Marshall (director, producer, actor) – 


  • Lady Jane Grey was replaced by Mary I of England as Queen of England after having the title for only nine days– 
  • Bloomers (long, loose, trousers) were introduced to delegates of the first Women’s Right’s Convention in Seneca Falls, New York– 
  • Morris Nourse earned a Carnegie Medal by saving a drowning boy in Des Moines, Iowa– 
  • Fiberglass sutures were first used, by Dr. Roy Scholz in St. Louis, Missouri– 
  • N.Y.C. subway’s first air-conditioned cars began service– 
  • Canada and United States agreed to transfer certain prisoners who wish to finish sentence in own country– 
  • New Hampshire teacher Christa McAuliffe was selected to be the first schoolteacher to ride aboard the Space Shuttle– 
  • 26th Summer Olympics began in Atlanta, Georgia– 
  • Don Gorske of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin ate his 20,000th Big Mac sandwich at a local McDonald’s restaurant. He already had made the Guinness World Records book for eating a record number of Big Macs before he hit number 19,000 in March 2003– 


  • The third hurricane within a month hit the northern Florida peninsula– 
  • Saguenay flood began in Quebec, Canada– 

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