Posted by Esmerelda Emerald Espino

The CN Tower (French: Tour CN) is a 553.3 m-high (1,815.3 ft) concrete communications and observation tower in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Completed in 1976, it is located in downtown Toronto, built on the former Railway Lands. Its name “CN” referred to Canadian National, the railway company that built the tower. Following the railway’s decision to divest non-core freight railway assets prior to the company’s privatization in 1995, it transferred the tower to the Canada Lands Company, a federal Crown corporation responsible for the government’s real estate portfolio.
The CN Tower held the record for the world’s tallest free-standing structure for 32 years, from 1975 until 2007, when it was surpassed by the Burj Khalifa, and was the world’s tallest tower until 2009 when it was surpassed by the Canton Tower. It is currently the tenth-tallest free-standing structure in the world and remains the tallest free-standing structure on land in the Western Hemisphere. In 1995, the CN Tower was declared one of the modern Seven Wonders of the World by the American Society of Civil Engineers. It also belongs to the World Federation of Great Towers.
It is a signature icon of Toronto’s skyline and attracts more than two million international visitors annually. It houses several observation decks, a revolving restaurant at some 350 metres (1,150 ft), and an entertainment complex.
Question of the Day
Advice of the Day
Home Hint of the Day
Word of the Day
Puzzle of the Day
A crystalline substance and a tear. (Use these clues to find the two words that, when combined, form the name of a flower.)
Answer: Snowdrop
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- President John F. Kennedy visited W. Berlin and gave his Ich bin ein Berliner” speech”–
- CN Tower, 1,815 ’ high, opened to the public, Toronto, Ontario–
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- Los Angeles, California, soared to 112 degrees F–